We have a lot of work to do every day... I feel like a lot of my time is spent right here, doing dishes. The same dishes. Over and over and over again. It's not unlike at home, except we have no dishwasher, and we have 1/3 of the dishes available, so if I don't keep up with them, we have nothing to eat from when it comes time for our next meal.
I find myself doing the dishes between meals when I'm frustrated, or concerned (for example, when our fuel system was clogged and our engine went out offshore from Savannah Georgia, until Brian was able to change the fuel filters)... I guess this is what (mostly) women have been doing for generations... making themselves useful and productive when they aren't sure what else to do, scrubbing away their frustrations...
We have a LONG to do list over the next few days.
This is fine, because of the rain and strong winds, we can't sail any further anyway.
Lists include:
Cleaning the boat inside and out
Buy provisions (food and household supplies and of course diapers)
Fix oil leak
Work on water heater pressure valve
Fix stuffing box on engine compartment
Re-evaluate bills online for home
Research Bahamian currency (we heard you can also use US dollars there)
Go over sail course and routes to Bahamas again
Getting more fuel and water in our tanks
Menu planning for dinners
And many other things....
Guess some things you can never escape! At least you have sunshine and time with your fam. I know you are enjoying that! Keep up the good work!